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Escape From Astraeus


Multiple modular rooms that all connect and varied ways

To make sure each room had its own identity. I created 2/3 unique assets for each room to determine where you are on the space station. But also give rooms different colors to help players determine at a simple glance

Shader graphs created to help keep the level feeling fresh with every new room


Goals of the environment

Create the sense of scale and how you feel lost in a large space station. But overtime you can become familiar with the layout the help you escape faster


A lot of the wall and floor assets created a dip in performance. Had to find a way to keep the same assets look and detail but without the high poly count How I overcame them: I kept the same modular asset pieces but made low poly versions of each asset to lower the poly count but keep the same high poly detail from the originals


Modular grate floor

high poly (right) to low poly (left)

Status: Complete
Platform: PC
Genre: Stealth Sci-Fi Game
Rating: T
Role: 3D Environment &
Level Design
Team Size: 4

A 3D top down game where you play as a ai that can travel through a network of robots on a space station. I Created a bright and colorful environment with rich storytelling through set pieces

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