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Corporate Connection Conundrum


I was given screenshots and a style sheet for what the team wanted these scenes to look like. This included a office level, communication room level, and a mountain housing area 

Office Level

the art of carefully arranging furniture, decor, and props in an office space within a visual medium, enhancing the narrative and immersing the audience. It brings the setting to life, setting the mood, and adding depth to the storytelling, making it an essential element of creating an engaging and convincing visual experiences.

My communication room set dressing level entails arranging furniture, equipment, and props to create an engaging and visually immersive space, enriching the storytelling experience.

Communication Level

Mountain Housing

Designing the mountain housing set dressing level was a fun demanding task due to the harsh terrain, housing considerations, and the challenge of seamlessly integrating natural elements into the man-made environment, all while maintaining the level's visual appeal and functionality.


Goals of the level

My aim in crafting these set dressing levels is to weave a tapestry of visual storytelling, where every detail contributes to a richer, more immersive world that truly captivates the audience or players


the integration of natural elements like rocks and vegetation into the man-made environment, as well as the need to maintain the level's visual appeal while ensuring practicality and functionality in a harsh mountain terrain. How I overcame them: I conducted extensive research into real-world mountain environments and architectural adaptations. I made informed choices about materials and construction techniques, drawing inspiration from my research findings. My level design decisions prioritized the balance between aesthetics and functionality based on established principles of environmental storytelling and user experience design.

Status: Complete
Platform: PC
Genre: Action-Adventure
Rating: T
Role: Set Dressing
- Made with Unreal Marketplace assets and Quixel Bridge


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